Sunday 26 October 2014


Gweru map

…2000 reserved for council employees
…15 for institutional and commercial use

Gweru City Council will soon start selling the Mkoba 21 residential stands after a full council meeting that was held recently resolved that the stands can now be sold, reports The Sun, an independently owned Gweru weekly publication.

It was resolved on the 17th of October that the stands will be sold after they have been advertised so that if there are no objections in 21 days selling will uninterruptedly proceed.

About 15 stands will be allocated institutional and commercial use whilst the majority will be residential.

Council is negotiating on the prospective developer who will start servicing the stands as soon as the agreement is reached, says Gweru mayor councillor Hamutendi Kombayi.

“We are still looking for a possible developer and as soon as an agreement is reached you will see progress kick-starting.”

The ful council also resolved that those on the housing waiting list must be given first preference.Council has a waiting list of approximately 30 000 people meaning that the chasm is far from being filled, with only 6000 stands having been availed.

Gweru mayor Councillor Hamutendi Kombayi
It also emerged that close to 2000 stands will be reserved for council employees who have been left out in previous allocations, a development that the employees embraced with joy.

“We are at last grateful for the gesture that willsee us owning our own houses, and many thanks to the employer who has come up with a noble arrangement,” said an employee who spoke to the paper.

Elsewhere in, Shamrock, Senga, and Ridgemont, 384, 100 and 13 stands are being sold. Sources privy to the conditions of sale say that a quarter deposit of the total amount of a particular stand will be paid over a period of 36 months.

The sizes of the stands range from 200 up to approximately 2000 square metres.

Thursday 23 October 2014


Joyfull Praise, an upcoming 18-member musical choir consisting of musicians drawn from praise and worship teams from churches dotted around the Midlands capital, will launch their maiden DVD project early next month reports Maxwell Katakamba.

Gamaliel (left) and a Joyfull Praise colleague
Group founder Gamaliel Blessing Madhindi informs that supporting acts Sharon Manyonganise from ZimPraise, Mabel Madondo (Thousand Voices) Minister Chenge (Beam Of Hope) and other various musical groups will join hands with the gospel ensemble.

Praising and worshipping the Lord
The drummer, doing his thing!
Said Gamaliel: “We will bring together most praise and worship/acapella teams from the city. Known recording artists within our group include Rudo Tania Wuragu (Awake) and Adrian Nyangombe from Vocal Offering.  Our vision is to promote young people by being a platform that exposes their gifts, as well as giving them something to live for. Joyfull Praise is also here to pluck them from criminal activities associated with mostly, unemployed youths.”

He added: “The LFCC Hall next to Cecil Hotel (3rd Street) is the place to be, come 8 November. Our DVD album will be packed with no less than 20 gospel gems that cut across the language and culture barriers. They include Bayethe (Ndebele), Ngarinamatwe (Shona) What A Mighty God, and Kae le Kae (Suthu), to mention but a few.”
Gamaliel on  the organ

A business management graduate from a Tshwane Institute of Technology in South African, Gamaliel did primary education at Bata, moved to Fletcher for his ‘Os’, and was a Chaplin High school advanced level student. 

Currently establishing ministry with his father Apostle Madhindi of Victory Life Tabernacle, a renowned local cleric, Gamaliel urged his peers to be the best in ‘doing you because no one can do you better than yourself.’
“If God wanted you to be them, He would have made you them – in short, be yourself,” he advised.

Gamaliel is also clean-humour stand-up comedian ‘PlophetOthy’  (Othniel Moyo)s manager, and they have gone around Gweru giving constructive criticism and promoting a godly way of life via humorous presentations.

Wednesday 22 October 2014


With Maxwell Katakamba


 CLUB UPTOWN & BLACKFACE ENTERTAINMENT are bringing ‘Dancehall Father’ Shinsoman to the Midlands capital this Saturday.

Featuring Lewaz Skattah of Tipeiwo Hwahwa fame and Mafiriji paKadoma hitmaker Wilton doba aka Legion ( Mudhara weMangoma) the show  will also see Jungle Rebel displaying to G
weru musical fans what he is made of.

Farai Kanengoni, better known as Daddy Kane(ex-PowerFM ) confirmed that Baba Devante would land in the city over  the weekend.

“DJ White, DJ 007, DJ Blacker, and myself, will be on the decks. We invite clubbers and people of all walks of life to come in their numbers to Gweru’s premium entertainment spot for the show. Mamwe maclubs, but Uptown chigayo chaicho Baba(Uptown leads the pack)” bragged Kanez, who together with Lovemore Mudede, have taken over the running of the popular club from former legislator Timothy Mukahlera. Kanengoni himself was a ZANU (PF) Gweru Urban parliamentary seat aspirant during the previous plebiscite.


 South Africa-based seer Prophet Gabriel Ramushwana is expected in the city tomorrow, where since Monday pilgrims have been jogging in the Prophetic Marathon.
The two-week interdenominational conference is being held at the Trinity Presbyterian church along Eighth Street during the Lunch Hour.
Meeting coordinator Pastor Bruce Chitsungo from Beam of Hope church said from the 28th to the 31st, evening services will also commence at the same venue.
Chart-topping gospel  musician and minister of the gospel, Pastor Olinda Marowa from Spirit Embassy, Pastor Chuchu and Chitsungo (Beam of Hope) are also ministering through music and the Spoken Word


DYNAMOS skipper Murape Murape says the defending champions are looking to maintain their place at the top of the table and has warned Chapungu to brace for reprisal when Premiership action resumes this weekend. The Harare giants are set to host the Air Force of Zimbabwe side at Rufaro on Sunday hoping to avenge the 1-0 defeat they suffered in thefirst leg fixture at Ascot in April.

Talent Mwale gave Chapungu the winner with a 28th-minute strike. The wound, however, is still fresh in the DeMbare hearts and Murape feels its payback time.  

 “Its very rare that a team can collect six points from Dynamos. We all know what happened in the first leg, we haven’t forgotten that we lost at Ascot, but now it’s our turn to win at home. Any other result besides victory will not be satisfactory. A draw in this case would also mean that we have donated four points to Chapungu this year, which is unacceptable. We have been working on our shortcomings and this time we are hoping to come out victorious, said Murape.

The Glamour Boys currently lead the table with a two-point cushion over ZPC Kariba and Murape believes they have to win all the remaining five games to make sure that they bag the championship without the use of calculators like what has been happening in the last three seasons. DeMbare are unbeaten in 14 games and they are looking to continue with their form, picking up from the 1-0 away victory at Buffaloes in the outing before last weekend’s break to pave way for the Chibuku Super Cup semi-finals. 

Murape, however, was worried the break could affect their momentum although DeMbare did not stop training.
"The good thing is we didn’t relax during this short break. We even trained on Saturday and Sunday, which shows how serious the coaches are with winning the championship. This same seriousness has to be impressed in our minds as players. It’s not easy to be at the top of the table because everyone will be aiming their guns at you. “

Expectations are high from our supporters and there is also this pressure coming from all directions, but as Dynamos we are used to it. The bottom line is we need to win all our remaining games because that’s the only way we can guarantee our campaign. We haven’t been scoring enough goals so we are aiming to win the league on points, not goal difference, “said Murape.


The late liberation war hero Phillip Ziyambi has been buried at the Midlands Provincial Heroes Acre amid calls for the nation to safeguard and cherish its hard won independence.
Scores of people thronged the provincial shrine in Gweru to pay their last respects to the liberation war hero Ziyambi who succumbed to a kidney ailment at Parirenyatwa hospital in Harare.
He was buried with full military honours.
Addressing mourners, family representative Home Affairs Deputy Minister Ziyambi Ziyambi(in picture) said his father had run his race that brought the country’s freedom, adding the onus is now in the hands of those who remain to run the race of economic emancipation and bring economic prosperity.


A 71 year-old shoplifter is among more than 30 men and women caught stealing from Gweru's newest supermarket Pick n Pay, so far.
More than 10 million people in the USA have been caught shoplifting in the last five years.
Shoplifting affects more than the offender. It overburdens the police and the courts, adds to a store’s security expenses, costs consumers more for goods, costs communities lost dollars in sales taxes and hurts children and families.
 Shoplifters steal from all types of stores including department stores, specialty shops, supermarkets, drug stores, discounters, music stores, convenience stores and thrift shops.
 There is no profile of a typical shoplifter. Men and women shoplift about equally as often.
 Approximately 25 percent of shoplifters are kids, 75 percent are adults. 55 percent of adult shoplifters say they started shoplifting in their teens.
 Many shoplifters buy and steal merchandise in the same visit. Shoplifters commonly steal from $2 to $200 per incident depending upon the type of store and item(s) chosen.
 Shoplifting is often not a premeditated crime. 73 percent of adult and 72 percent of juvenile shoplifters don’t plan to steal in advance.
 89 percent of kids say they know other kids who shoplift. 66 percent say they hang out with those kids.
 Shoplifters say they are caught an average of only once in every 48 times they steal. They are turned over to the police 50 percent of the time.
 Approximately 3 percent of shoplifters are “professionals” who steal solely for resale or profit as a business. These include drug addicts who steal to feed their habit, hardened professionals who steal as a life-style and international shoplifting gangs who steal for profit as a business. “Professional” shoplifters are responsible for 10 percent of the total dollar losses.
 The vast majority of shoplifters are “non-professionals” who steal, not out of criminal intent, financial need or greed but as a response to social and personal pressures in their life.
 Drug addicts, who have become addicted to shoplifting, describe shoplifting as equally addicting as drugs.


Emmanuel Muzorera, 34, a Zanu-PF supporter based in Gweru who was arrested and taken to Bulawayo Central Police, has appeared in court for disrupting First Lady, Grace Mugabe's Bulawayo rally.

He walked onto the at AmaZulu Sports Club podium and picked up a microphone without permission.

He initially pleaded guilty to picking up the microphone when he appeared before provincial magistrate Sibongile Msipa.

However, when the magistrate asked him to confirm that he indeed intended to disrupt the proceedings at the rally, he denied saying he had wanted to deliver a solidarity message.


FORMER Gweru Urban MDC-T MP and national executive committee member Timothy Mukahlera has quit politics as chaos continues to reign supreme in the Morgan Tsvangirai led party.
Mukahlera said the opposition party had been hijacked by some powerful individuals who were using it for their own ends.
The former MP told journalists that he had quit active politics and will not be joining any political party and will instead now concentrate on his family business.

Famed Gweru musclemen Paul Goredema and Isaac ‘Sugar’ Chimuchenga tried really hard to fly our red and white flag at the Mr Zimbabwe contest at Harare International School on the 19th of October.
In the end, Goredema was fourth in the main contest, while ‘Sugar’ who is the reigning Mr Ironman, was runner up in the Male Middleweight category.
Collated results:
Male heavyweight: (1)Champion Mbewe, (2)Patson Chatedzuka, (3)Upenyu Mahlaulo, (4)Paul Goredema, (5)Thompson Mpala
Male light heavyweight: (1)Vincent Kandiyero, (2)Ndumiso Dlodlo, (3)Irvine Dekeya, (4)Rutendo Banda, (5)Paul Matimba
Male Middleweight: (1)Blessing Samaringa, (2)Isaac Chimuchenga, (3)Tapiwa Chibota, (4)Eddie Marondera, (5)Blessing Nyapimbi
Male Lightweight: (1)Lovemore Munyanyiwa, (2)Garikayi Mujuru, (3)Eliah Samaringa, (4)George Munyoro, (5)Knowledge Mudzingwa
Junior Male U21: (1)Reginald Pasara, (2)Michael Shonhiwa, (3)Delvin Page, (4)Jacob Joe Masanhire, (5)Thomas Rafik Rwodzi


Gweru-based respected Zanu PF elder Cephas Msipa is demanding answers from President Robert Mugabe following the recent vitriolic and sustained attacks on Vice President Joice Mujuru by the First Lady Grace Mugabe.

Msipa, who has already indicated that he fears a split in the 51-year-old movement due to escalating factional and succession battles, told the Daily News yesterday that he was failing to understand why Mugabe was not moving to end the crisis.

“We are meeting as the politburo on Thursday and I hope to be told what this is all about. I just want to know the facts that have led to this, and hopefully find answers,” said Msipa, who was instrumental in brokering the 1987 peace accord between Mugabe and the late veteran nationalist Joshua Nkomo.


Paralympian Oscar Pistorius has been sentenced to five years imprisonment after being found guilty of the culpable homicide of his law student and model girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp.
This brings to an end (for now) the saga which began on Valentine’s Day 2013. That day South Africa and the world woke up to the news that Steenkamp was dead, allegedly shot by Pistorius, in his house at Silverwoods Country Estate east of Pretoria.

Friday 17 October 2014


By Maxwell Katakamba


Esnath Dhokotera, 29, has risen from owning a small tuck-shop to becoming a decorated businesswoman in the city - breaking the long-held belief that only men can be masters of the retail sector. Dhokotera employs more than 35 women at her Pure Drop shops and bars in Senga
She was nominated by the Ministry of Women’s Affairs to be the country’s representative at an exhibition in Nigeria.
She put together a superb display of African ornaments and traditional dishes and was voted the best exhibitor out of over 100. She was awarded with a certificate of being Africa’s Best Entrepreneur exhibitor in the tourism and hospitality division.
In June the Zimbabwe National Chamber of Commerce recognised her at an annual awards ceremony as the best upcoming entrepreneur in the Midlands region for 2012-2013.


PICK N PAY General Manager Africa Division, Dharmalingum Dass, has invested about $2,5 million in the refurbishment of former Gweru Meikles Departmental store which opened its doors to the public early this month.
Gweru TM supermarket closed its doors to pave way for the opening of Pick n Pay, but Dass said the building will be occupied by a sister company within the Meikles group.
“TM Supermarkets (Pvt) Ltd under two brands being TM and Pick n Pay Zimbabwe and the workers from the Gweru store will all be transferred to the Pick n Pay store,” Dass told Southern Eye Business through e-mailed responses.
“We have created in excess of 50 new jobs as well. The Gweru store will be occupied by a sister company within the Meikles group.”
Pick n Pay is expanding its presence in Zimbabwe through a partnership with TM Supermarkets, a subsidiary of Meikles Limited, by investing $25 million to upgrade the chain to international standards as it consolidates its market share in the country.
Dass said Gweru shoppers should expect expanded merchandise exclusive in Pick n Pay.
“The fresh foods department will showcase an expanded deli and hot foods, wider range of meat products in the butchery, state-of-the-art bakery equipment resulting in better quality breads and confectionery at competitive prices,” Dass said.
Farmers in the Midlands province will supply produce to the retail outlet.
“We will be buying most of our produce from farmers around the Midlands area, as well as poultry and meat. In the event that we are unable to procure certain merchandise locally we will source from other markets,” Dass said.
Meanwhile Tinashe Manzungu, the reigning Zimbabwe Chamber of Small and Medium Enterprises (ZICOSME) Midlands Businessperson Of The Year, last week opened up a new lodge in the city.
Trading under the name Pine Guest Lodge, the exquisite accomodation facility is situated at 85 9th Street.
“We took our time to provide Gweru visitors with a lodge that will not make the think kumba kwavo. Free WiFi, DSTV, newspapers are some of the benefits our tenants should look forward to,” informed the soft-spoken Manzungu, who jointly runs Tinshel Properies.
The award-winning entrepreneur was also proud to show off his Zimbabwe Tourism Authority(ZTA), Zimbabwe Revenue Authority (ZIMRA), and Gweru City Council inspection certificates and trading licences

'Complainant, lecturer's evidence unreliable'

OPPOSITION MDC-T legislator, Costa Machingauta, has been acquitted on charges of kidnapping and rape by Gweru Regional Magistrate Morgan Nemadire.
Machingauta, who is MP for Budiriro, had been accused of kidnapping and raping a fellow Midlands State University (MSU) student in May this year.
But Nemadire ruled that the state failed to prove its case adding evidence given by the complainant and a witness who is a lecturer at MSU was unreliable.

A 27-YEAR-OLD Harare fish vendor who allegedly abducted an 11-year-old girl and employed her as a housemaid to look after her two minor children appeared before a Gweru magistrate on Monday to answer a charge of kidnapping.
Beauty Rangarira, of Tynwald South in Harare, is also being charged with violating a section of the Children's Act by employing a minor as a housekeeper.

THE Gweru City Council plans to establish a debt collection unit to recover close to $26 million the municipality is owed be defaulting ratepayers, a senior official has said.
Mayor Hamutendi Kombayi told an online publication in an interview Monday that council intends to put in place mechanisms that enable it to effectively collect money owed to the local authority.
"We have plans in place to establish a debt collection department so that we recover $26 million owed by defaulting ratepayers," Kombayi said.
The envisaged plan comes at a time council is struggling to pay its workers on time and is two months behind in salary arrears.

Michael Mabana (26) of 1699 Village 12 Mkoba suburb this week proposed to Magistrate Tendai Madanhire that a Gweru maid who is accusing him of exposing his male organ as a way of seducing her, describe what his manhood looks like, since ‘it has marks’.
The suspected sex pest who is employed by Unki Mines, appeared before the Gweru magistrate in Court Three facing a charge of public indecency. Mabana is pleading not guilty and is out of custody.

A sombre atmosphere prevailed in the Supreme Court Thursday morning when incarcerated RMG End Times Ministries founder Robert Martin Gumbura’s bail appeal was dismissed by the court on the basis that his appeal, against both conviction and sentence, “was doomed to failure”.
Just after listening to the judgement, Gumbura’s wives, relatives and friends quietly walked out of the court room in the company of their lawyer, Rekai Maposa.
Gumbura, a former Regina Mundi, Mambo and Ascot high schools geography teacher-turned-pastor, moved to Harare recently from the time he came to Gweru Teachers College (GTC) for his course


Armed members of the Police Support unit swooped on unemployed youths who spend their time gambling behind N. Richards Wholesale along Leopold Takawira, this week.
Clutching Kalashnikov rifles and batons, the law enforcement agents caught the card-playing crew unawares, netting about ten of them.
A citizen journalist who had been filming proceedings using his cellphone was also caught up in the net, with cops in plain-clothes not amused by his journalistic skills.
"Uri freelance journalist here iwe? Shuwa ungatora video ye21 minutes unoda kuidii?(Are you a freelance journalist? How could you possibly film proceedings for 21 minutes, and what for?," this reporter heard the officers quizzing the suspect as they dragged him to Gweru Central police station.


Police bust a three-man fake note syndicate suspected to be part of a gang that has been using EcoCash to circulate counterfeit money in the country. Police suspect fake $100 notes are made in Harare and rolled out countrywide by a suspected syndicate.

The trio, Nomore Nyoni, 36, from Zvishavane, Pardon Nyoni, 28, and Wellington Marihoho, 44, both from Mkoba in Gweru, were arrested last week Wednesday in Hwange after a botched attempt to rob unsuspecting businesspeople.

'Kwapisa' (Its too hot) was Sampletech Trading boss Marihoho's last Facebook update when he got the chance to chat to friends on the social network last week Thursday.

His buddies thought he meant the hot weather.

According to reports made to the police, the suspects would target EcoCash shops where they would deposit the counterfeit money and go on to withdraw it from a different agent. The suspected fake money launderers allegedly committed crimes in Binga before moving to Victoria Falls where they left in a huff on Tuesday after alert victims notified the police. They were eventually arrested in Hwange trying to commit similar crimes.


Forget about ginger, figs, garlic, coffee, eucalyptus or mustard oil, dagga can cure asthma!!! However you need to take that advice with a pinch of salt, considering that it was given by an accused person in a Gweru court this week after he was found with two twists of mbanje early Sunday morning .
State prosecutor Euphrasia Chinaka told the court how Rodger Ncube (33), on 12 October 2014, met Constable Gwenyambira at 1 Mimosa Rd, Mvuma Road. The cop carried a stop-and-search on Ncube and recovered two twist of dagga weighing 0,006kgs.
Magistrate Sharon Rakafa fined the night rider $30 or 30 days in prison after he pleaded guilty to violating provisions of the Dangerous Drugs Act.


Zanu PF could split if President Mugabe does not deal with factionalism, veteran nationalist and senior Zanu-PF Politburo member, Cephas Msipa, has told The Chronicle newspaper.
In an interview at Gweru base last week, Msipa, who was a key player in the Unity Accord negotiations between Zanu-PF and PF Zapu, said factionalism linked to succession was rendering the party dysfunctional.
“I’ve given a great deal of thought to this issue and I feel that it has gone too far and I must say it’s really up to the leadership to deal with those who are promoting factionalism. It’s unfortunate that we’re spending so much time on this succession thing. Some of us knew that something like this would happen,” he said Msipa said he spoke to President Mugabe five years ago about the need for him to indicate his preferred successor as happened in Tanzania and other countries.


Takatsikwa naComrade Chinoz! Gweru residents, mostly second-hand appliance traders from Bahudur Centre, vendors, and taxi drivers this week mobbed Buhera South MP Joseph 'Chinoz' Chinotimba along Main Street. They were shouting 'Cde Chinoz! Pamberi naChinoz!' and similar praises.Chinoz was cruising in a relatively new white state-of-the-art Ford Ranger, a four-wheel drive and double-cabbed truck.
The Zimbabwean political figure, according to Wikipedia, rose to prominence during the invasions of white-owned commercial farms that started after the 2000 referendum in Zimbabwe. He is widely regarded as a militant ZANU-PF cadre with unquestionable allegiance to the old guard of the ruling party. He is the President of the Zimbabwe Federation of Trade Unions and the National Vice-Chairman of the Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veterans Association.


REPORTER: Makanzwa nezve Ebola here vaChinotimba?
CHINOZ: Usabvunze zvakadhakwa, Max. Ndoyataitaura pama elections kuti "Ebola egedhini!!"

Maxwell Katakamba(36) is a veteran Gweru journalist who for 14 years has strung for The Citizen, The Times, Daily Mirror, The Herald, The Standard, The Mail, and NewsDay among other media houses. He was also the news editor at The Midlands Monitor.
View his full profile on Viadeo here:

Cell: +263772697163

Twitter: Maxwell Katakamba@GweruToday

Monday 13 October 2014


A suspected sex pest from Mkoba suburb exposed his male organ to his maid as a way of seducing her, a magistrate heard. Michael Mabana, 26, of Mkoba Village 12 and employed by Unki Mines, appeared before Gweru magistrate Tendai Madanhire facing a charge of public indecency. Mabana pleaded not guilty and was remanded out of custody for continuation of trial.

The prosecutor, Bernard Nyoni, told the court that on August 22 this year around 4PM, Mabana was at home with the complainant, aged 16, who was doing her household duties as a maid.

The court heard that Mabana was on a bed holding his baby when the maid came into the bedroom from outside where she had gone to collect clothes from the washing line.

It is alleged he asked the maid if she wanted her hair done at a nearby salon to which she refused.

Nyoni said Mabana later asked the maid if she was not happy with what he had said to her.

He said the maid looked in the direction of the accused and saw his private parts protruding from his trousers.

The maid took the baby from Mabana and went to the younger sister of their landlord and told her what had happened and was advised to wait for the man’s wife to come home from work.

The court heard that the maid told Mabana’s wife what had happened and also said she was no longer interested in working for them.

The maid informed her father who was in Gokwe and he came and reported the matter to the police leading to Mabana’s arrest. ONLINE


Prophetic Healing and Deliverance (PHD) ministries founder, Walter Magaya, is in the eye of a storm after being fingered in the mysterious death of his alleged ex-mistress, Chipo Chakanyuka (25) in Botswana last month, reports The Zimbabwe Mail

Prophet Walter Magaya and his wife
Fresh from allegations of bedding someone’s wife – although the charges were later withdrawn from the courts – Magaya is now embroiled in the mysterious death of Chakanyuka, a woman he, according her parents, had an affair with between March and May this year.

Chipo, who was head usher at PHD ministries, is believed to have “committed suicide” in a Botswana prison under unclear circumstances after she was allegedly “found in possession of three pieces of gold” while on church business together with a fellow congregant, Cathrine Nyangoni.

Chakanyuka’s aunt who spoke on condition of anonymity sensationally claimed in an exclusive interview at the family’s Warren Park residence that their daughter was “in a secret relationship” with Magaya between March and April although the relationship was known to all family members including Chipo’s mother, Tambudzayi Chakanyuka.

Tambudzai confirmed knowledge of the affair saying her younger sister would give finer details.
However, yesterday Magaya denied having an affair with Chipo let alone having a hand in her death and accused The Zimbabwe Mail of being used to tarnish his image.

“Why do you hate me, you The Zimbabwe Mail why do you hate me, yes I know that you hate me, every journalist in the country does not hate me but you the Zimbabwe Mail you hate me. I know that you are being used by someone and I know you will hate me to the last bone of your life. I know you are Pharisees and Sadducees. I can’t have an affair with someone and do miracles that I do. I know I am not a God of man but I am a man of God. I can’t do a sin and perform those miracles. I helped Chipo change her life; she was a stripper in beer halls and I helped her change her life. I have a video of her mother saying at the grave site that her daughter was into gold smuggling.

“If I have done anything wrong for you vanhu ve Zimbabwe Mail please forgive me,” an emotionally charged Magaya said surrounded by his security guards, Pastor Max and Nyangoni at their Waterfalls church.
“I paid more than $6000 towards Chipo’s funeral,” he said.

Asked to comment on her daughter being a stripper, Tambudzani hit back: “My daughter was never a stripper; he should name the beer hall where he saw her and say what he was doing there himself. He must know that he will never get away with this. He is just trying to get defence on his side, but there is God in heaven and he will never get away with it.”

According to the aunt, Chipo went to Botswana with some church members on September 19, to buy church uniforms under the leadership of Nyangoni.

She said after while Chipo was in remand prison in Botswana, Nyangoni told them that when they arrived at the border, Botswana security officials started to shout Chipo’s name to which three other people responded, including the now deceased.

“Mai Nyangoni told us they then said they want to see Chipo Chakanyuka. After she responded to her name, the authorities claimed they had noticed something in her handbag and after the search, they found what they claimed were pieces of gold,” the aunt claimed.
“She was arrested at the border post,” she said.
The aunt said from narrations they received from Nyangoni, it was clear that Chipo had been framed because by the time they arrived at the border, authorities were aware and already waiting for their target.
Nyangoni confirmed in an earlier telephone interview that she had briefed the family about what happened while they were in Botswana.

“I can’t say anything to you; I gave them everything that I knew about the issue. I know that when they went to Botswana they might have heard something different but that is not my concern. Whoever gave you my number and the story should tell you more.

“I was not there when Chipo died so I don’t know what really happened please just leave me alone write what you want and I don’t care about it,” she said.

The aunt said when they received news that Chipo had committed suicide they made arrangements to go to the neighbouring country but when they got there, they were never given satisfactory answers.

“When we asked the police officer handling the case to see pictures of Chipo hanging inside the prison cells, he told us we would see them but later on changed and said he did not have them,” she said.

“We were also told that after the arrest, Pastor Max sourced a Zimbabwean lawyer based in Francistown. We went to see him so that we could get his story regarding the matter but our suspicions of foul play were confirmed when this lawyer said he never spoke or saw Chipo alive,” she said.

Pastor Max declined to comment on the matter despite being present when Magaya was talking to the media.
“Even though they said Chipo hanged herself, her neck did not have any marks or anything to suggest that she committed suicide in the manner they told us,” the aunt said.

She said when they collected Chipo’s belongings they found a note which they believe she wrote while in custody where she was asking God to save her from a blood sucking man.

“We also found some tablets, and if she wanted to commit suicide, she could have used those tablets but she did not. Secondly, the cloth that she allegedly used to hang herself was not hers”.
She also said when Chipo left for Botswana she had two cellphones which they never recovered.
“We suspect that they took the phones so that they could remove all the communications between her and Magaya, but its very unfortunate because she used to forward some of the messages to us as a family and kept us in know of what was happening.

One of the message allegedly sent by Chipo to one of her relatives read: “Zvino takuda kupfuudzwa naMagaya akatishandisa akuda kutisiya ndosaka ndamuti I will fight to the last drop of my blood. Akuda kutisiya asina kundipa mota, shop nemba( loosely translated, Magaya used us but now wants to dump us without a car, shop or a house) ,” read the message.

The family said prior to her trip and subsequent death, Chipo had told them she was living in fear of Magaya who had made threats to deal with her as she wanted to expose the “prophet”.

“We were aware of their relationship and at one time, Magaya gave Chipo $4000 to buy wares to sell. She imported the goods from Tanzania and some of it we sold it here,” her aunt said.

“At one time, she lost her bag while at church for it to be found two days later without her phones and it is during the time when she had started threatening to expose Magaya”.

According to the aunt, Magaya never bothered to send a condolence message or visit them as he had promised.-