Sunday 30 November 2014

Mugabe, let your faith direct your work:Gweru Bishop

Cleric bemoans high corruption levels

President Mugabe and the Pope during Mass in The Vatican
Gweru Bishop, Xavier Munyongani, has criticised Catholic professionals and public officials who engage in corrupt activities that have destroyed the Zimbabwean economy and societal values.

 He was addressing a group of Catholic professionals who were gathered at the cathedral in Gweru over the last weekend for the launch of the Gweru chapter of the Catholic Professionals Network of Zimbabwe (CPNZ).

He also challenged the government and the President, Cde Robert Mugabe, to allow his faith to direct his work.

“When I was in Rome recently, the President and his wife were also in Rome for the beautification of Pope Paul IV. The whole world (seeing that), gets the impression that he is a very holy man, brought up by the Jesuits. When you tell other people that he is the same man presiding over our misery, they may dismiss you as someone who is ungrateful. But if his faith is guiding him, then it should be seen in the way he leads us.
Xavier Munyongani, Bishop of the Diocese of Gweru

“Julius Nyerere (former Tanzania president), at Independence in 1980 told him that you have inherited a  jewel, if you run this country it is going to be a jewel of Africa. And Julius Nyerere is about to be made a saint from Africa.”

For the former President, Nyerere, as a public servant and professional, allowed his faith to direct his life and actions, including the way he ran his family and country.

The Bishop said corruption affects everyone in society, including innocent children. He cited the recent leaks that affected the public examinations board, and forcing innocent students who had spent precious time studying and preparing for their exams, now, to endure more anxious moments as they to re-seat the leaked papers.

He challenged Catholic professionals wherever they work to stand up against corruption and make a difference, warning them as well that they will always face resistance but they should neither withdraw nor surrender because God is always on the side of those who do well.

“You will always face public resistance when you want to be principled. People may jeer or reject you altogether, but you have to be strong and steadfast. 

“It is possible to change the world even when you are in the minority. Remember the story of slavery and how it was abolished? It took the extraordinary efforts of one man, William Wilberforce to turn the world against slavery. That is still possible today. We need Catholic professionals who are grounded in principle, and through their actions, want to change the world for the better.” -

Friday 28 November 2014

Man crushes nonagenarian dad's head on rock over witchcraft

A Lower Gweru man, aged 39, allegedly crushed his father's head against a rock, killing him instantly after he accused him of bewitching his two brothers who have mental health problems.

Johannes Mpofu of Ruby Group Two farm who is accused of killing his 91 year-old father, Tobias Runesu Mpofu, appeared before Gweru magistrate, Judith Taruvinga this week charged with murder.

Mpofu was not asked to plead and was remanded in custody.

The court heard that on the 27th of October, the deceased man's wife Ida Muchairi, left her husband with their son Johannes as she went to fetch water from a nearby river.

While Muchairi was away, Johannes accused his father for causing his two elder brothers to suffer from mental illnesses.

Mpofu allegedly told his father he was going to pay for his sins before dragging him to a nearby rock.

He then allegedly smashed the 91-year-old's head on the rock several times before he fell unconscious.

Runesu bled from the nose and mouth as a result of the assault and died before his wife returned from the river.

Further allegations are that when Muchairi returned home her son told her that he had killed a "lion" which had been causing problems in the family.

When Muchairi went to the back of the homestead to inquire about the said lion, she found her husband lying dead in a pool of blood.

She notified villagers and a report was made to the police leading to Johannes's arrest.- New Zimbabwe

Thursday 27 November 2014

12 Chaplin High students in hostel orgy

….while others sleep

Chaplin High main gate
Twelve pupils at Chaplin Government High School in Gweru have been expelled from school for allegedly engaging in a sex orgy at the girl’s hostels while their colleagues looked on.

The shell shocking incident occurred in the wee hours of Tuesday when six boys, who are boarders at the school, allegedly sneaked into a girl’s hostel through a window before switching off electricity.

The other pupils who were in the hostel were awakened by the night sounds.

Realising that they have been heard, the boys tried to escape and one of them accidentally stormed into one of the girls’ room who upon seeing an intruder screamed.

Some of the girls alerted the matron who rushed to the scene and caught the pupils red handed sharing the forbidden fruit with lots of used condoms scattered all over the floor.

School motto, Pro Honore (for honour...really?)
Pupils from the school who refused to be named informed that the 12 pupils (names withheld) involved four Upper Six pupils and eight Form Fours.

A pupil at the school who spoke on condition of anonymity narrated how the drama unfolded.

“Six boys got into our hostel through the window. They then proceeded to where their girlfriends sleep before switching off the lights. They started having sex with their girlfriends while other pupils were fast asleep”, said the pupil.

It is understood that the pupils who could not enjoy their pleasures quietly awakened their colleagues who were sleeping in the same hostel.

The pupil said all hell broke loose when the other girls in the hostel mobbed the couples who were still sweating it out on each other.

The boys were then given a thorough hiding by fellow pupils before they alerted the matron, Memory Njovo.

“After they had been caught the boys became aggressive and they assaulted the girls who had blocked the door way so that they do not escape. They went on to break window panes and they escaped through the windows. This thing has been going on for a while in the school. The same boys have been coming to the hostel,” said the pupil.

The source said the pupils have since been expelled from school.

This comes just a month after 16 pupils from Gweru’s Mkoba 1 High were expelled from school for involving in group sex.

The matron of the school Njovo, said she was not accredited to talk to the media.

“This is a government school so l am not allowed to disclose any information, should you require any information please contact the Information administrator”, she said.

However, contacted for comment the headmistress for Chaplin Government High School Rose Gandanhamo refuted the incident saying nothing of that sort happened in the school.

“I never heard anything like that and nothing like that happened in the school”, she said.

The Provincial Education Director for Midlands, Agnes Gudo could not be drawn to comment. –B METRO

Wednesday 26 November 2014

11 year-old girl jumps off speeding 'kidnapper's car

A red Honda Fit

An 11-year-old from Gweru's Mambo suburb became the female version of superman and jumped off from a moving car fearing that she was being kidnapped.

Prosecutor Pearson Muringayi told the court that the girl (name withheld) who is a Grade Five pupil at a local school was at Zesa bus stop opposite Mtapa cemetery where she was waiting for a lift to town.

At around 4 pm a red Honda fit which was being driven by Bruce Rahman of 20 Kopje Road, Gweru approached from Ascot and gave the super girl a lift.

It is understood that upon reaching the roundabout apposite Mtapa cemetery, Rahman suddenly drove along Bristol Road.

Sending "danger" the girl quickly opened the door and jumped out of the moving car. She rushed to make a report leading to Rahman's arrest.

Defending himself before magistrate Vimbai Makora, Rahman said he was going to town using a different route as he wanted to see his friend who worked at Delta Beverages.

Whawha safe, will not be integrated with Flame Lilly

Zimbabwe Prison and Correctional Services (ZPCS) has allayed any fears that they will not be able to sponsor their two teams, Whawha and Flame Lilly,
Chief Supt. Banda

who were promoted into the top flight next year.

Whawha became the first lower division team to be promoted into the Castle Premiership for the 2015 season when they won the Central Region Division One League back in October.

The Gweru-based side, who are under the guidance of former Zimbabwe international forward Luke Petros, starved off the stiff challenge from Midlands State University and ZRP Beitbridge to book their place in the top flight.

At the weekend, Flame Lilly, who were under the tutelage of former Black Rhinos gaffer Nesbert Saruchera, sealed their ticket into the Castle Premiership next season when they beat ZRP FC 2-0 to win the World Navi Northern Region Division One League ahead of Gunners and Mushowani.

Both teams are owned and bankrolled by ZPCS and after the debacle involving Triangle and Hippo Valley at the start of the year, there were fears that one of the two teams might be sacrificed.

Both teams were owned by Tongaat Hulett, who decided to dispose of the Hippo Valley franchise as they felt their resources would be stretched by financing two Premiership teams.

ZPCS Chief Superintendent Elizabeth Banda, however, revealed that the correctional services were prepared to bankroll both Flame Lilly and Whawha.

“We are very happy with what our two teams have achieved this season. We are going to do everything in our powers to ensure that we assist them and they have everything they need to participate in the PSL,” Banda told the Daily News yesterday.

“It was our dream to have at least one team playing in the top league and we are happy that we now have two teams competing next season. Having two teams in the league is a bonus for us.

“We would like to thank the management, coaches, players and all the supporters who were behind this success.”

According to Banda, the ZPCS Commissioner-General Paradzai Zimondi will in the next few weeks honour both clubs for their success.

Banda said they are hoping Flame Lilly and Whawha take a cue from ZPC Kariba by challenging for honours in their first season in the top flight league.

ZPC had a fairy tale debut season in the Premiership and were just 90 minutes away from being crowned champions before they lost their last game of the season 3-2 to CAPS United at the weekend.

That result opened the door for Dynamos, who beat How Mine 2-0, to win their fourth title on the trot.

“We got a lot of inspiration from what ZPC Kariba did this season and we are saying to ourselves that our teams should not go into the league to make up number but they have a chance to compete,” said Banda.

The correctional services fund their clubs by enlisting their players, coaches and support staff into the ZPS were they are guaranteed monthly salaries.

Flame Lilly also have a shirt sponsorship deal with BancEASY, a subsidiary of BancABC, who are responsible for providing the club with kits, transport and winning bonuses.- Daily News

Tuesday 25 November 2014

Isolation hospital, Mtapa clinic operating without incinerator

Children dancing at a function held at Mtapa Clinic
Gweru’s Mtapa Clinic and Isolation Hospital are operating without incinerators resulting in the dumping of clinical waste in open spaces, according to a report by the city’s health department.

An incinerator is a furnace used for burning waste.

The department called for the inclusion of incinerators in the 2015 budget to ensure proper waste management at the two health institutions.

“There is need to repair the ceiling at Mtapa Clinic and an incinerator,” the report noted.

Isolation Hospital, next to Ascot Stadium

“The city’s abattoir needs to be renovated and an incinerator at the Isolation Hospital as well. All these needs should be included in the 2015 budget.”

The report also highlighted that garbage collection was compromised because of a shortage of refuse trucks.

Using an incinerator to burn bio-medical waste
Gweru has lately been an eyesore due to uncollected garbage, especially around the Kudzanai bus terminus.

“The 2015 budget should accommodate the purchase of two more refuse trucks and skip bins that would see the refuse collection improving,” the report further noted.- SOUTHERN EYE

Gweru mayor's cheer fund snubbed by business community

The Bata Shoe Company headquarters in Gweru

THE Gweru business community snubbed this year’s mayor’s Christmas Cheer Fund with only a handful of executives attending the official launch as the inclement economic weather continues to affect the few operating industries in the city, according to

Several companies in the Midlands capital have shut down including Go Beer, a brewer which recently stopped operating with workers going home on forced leave.

Industries still running are struggling to pay salaries and to meet other operational obligations.

Gweru municipal offices
The recent launch of the annual mayor’s Christmas fund managed to raise $2,000 including pledges against a target of $15,000. In 2013, the cheer fund was $4,000 short of its $15,000 target.

City mayor, Hamutendi Kombayi, pleaded with companies and residents to assist the less-privileged.
“The economic situation might not be that rosy but as city fathers we are appealing to organisations as well as residents in general to extend the hand of giving for the cause of the under-privileged,”
Kombayi said.

In recent years Gweru has been struggling with de-industrialisation after the collapse of Ziscosteel in Neighbouring Kwekwe triggering the closure of downstream industries based in the city.- New Zimbabwe

Monday 24 November 2014

Crime of passion, taxi driver stabs girlfriend with a screwdriver

Report by Jackie Gwemende, Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation (ZBC) Midlands bureau chief. 

Filmed by Hapton Linde

Magaya in TB Joshua-style, blames enemies for Kwekwe tragedy

Prophet Walter Magaya
The Founder and Leader of PHD Ministries,Prophet Walter Magaya has shifted goal posts about the Kwekwe tragedy and  is now blaming his enemies!

In the video below, the Prophet addressed the question that has been on so many people’s lips, why as a Prophet he failed to foresee the disaster.
Prophet Magaya initially claimed responsibility for the mishap but during yesterday’s service at Zindoga in waterfalls, the popular Prophet claimed that the Kwekwe tragedy in which 11 people were killed and scores injured was no accident  but a creation of his ‘enemies’ who were bent on tarnishing his image.
The Prophet who said he was more pained than the bereaved families claimed the unlucky accident was meant to discredit him and link his ministry to dark rituals.
“I want to tell you one secret, whether you believe it or not, I only want to say one line and I will end there because I don’t want to jeorpadise the investigations of the Police. That was not an accident…It was a planned stampede,” said Magaya to wild applause from his followers.
He added that the ‘enemies’ wanted to link it to TB Joshua’s September tragedy on the basis that he was his spiritual son.
Prophet T.B. Joshua
The charismatic Prophet who said he had been reading media reports about the incident, then urged Journalists to cover the story as it is and refrain from bias. 

TB Joshua-Prophet Magaya’s spiritual father- blamed his enemies when one of his church building collapsed and killed over 116 of his followers in September.-Iharare

Sunday 23 November 2014

Two Gweru residents among Magaya crusade victims

Police yesterday released the names of the 11 people who were crushed to death in a stampede at the Prophetic Healing and Deliverance Ministries (PHD) crusade at Mbizo Stadium in Kwekwe last Thursday.
The victims were from Kwekwe, Redcliff and Gweru. Those from the Midlands capital are Albert Ndure, 13 and Bridget Mukarati, 34.

Those from Kwekwe are Ian Nkomo, 40, of Amaveni and Tendekai Bafana, 9; Tamuka Chivasa, 11; Winnie Chikanda, 12; Rachel Zvinei, 16; Cynthia Jane Katsholo, 47 as well as Juliet Mawere, 55 all from Mbizo suburb.
The victims from Redcliff have been identified as Shadreck Gumisidzo Kurebwa, 59 and Grace Gwinji whose age was not given.

 Meanwhile, police have denied allegations that they fired teargas at the congregants.
Police said gas canisters used by one of the vendors identified as Amos Muzeiwa (43) to cook food which he was selling to the public at the stadium, triggered the stampede after they leaked and burst into flames.

"The gas bottles leaked and burst into flames as the crowd was about to leave the stadium. This triggered the stampede leading to the death of some people while others were injured," said the police.

Police said they have since established that a main gate normally used by vehicles and a small gate were opened by Kwekwe Council officials who handed the keys to the PHD ushers.

The statement said the other two gates were locked and the crusade organisers did not have the keys to those gates.

The police said officers hired by PHD ministries had to open one side of the main gate which had been closed by the church ushers so that some people could leave the stadium through the gate.

The police said it was important to emphasise that the PHD event was a private function and police were therefore not obliged to provide security.

"All police officers who were on duty on that day had no tear smoke or baton sticks as had been previously alleged. In future, when churches and other organisations plan to host such gatherings, they should consider hiring open spaces as opposed to stadia.

"The open areas don’t hinder the free movement of people especially at night," said the police.- CHRONICLE/GWERU TODAY

Magaya stampede caused by gas stove?

The stampede that claimed 11 lives injuring 40 others at Prophet Walter Magaya’s PHD Ministries crusade was allegedly caused by a gas stove explosion, according to latest reports.

A gas stove
It is alleged that Amos Muzeiwa of Bloomingdale Harare who was braaing and selling meat to congregants tried to switch off the stove, when he saw multitudes trooping outside the stadium and it exploded creating a panic by the entrance that could have triggered a stampede that claimed 11 lives and seriously injuring 40 others.

In a telephone interview with ZBC Mr Muzeiwa confirmed that his gas stove exploded, but he said it was well after the stampede had occurred.

Earlier reports had indicated that the stampede was triggered by police who closed all gates leaving one narrow exit point for the huge crowd while firing tear smoke into crowds.

Police have however denied firing tear smoke into thousands of congregants who had gathered for the PHD Ministries crusade.

It has also emerged that Kwekwe council had keys to other exit points that were locked on the fateful day and that the local authority refused earlier requests that panels of the precast wall be removed to allow free movement of people.

Meanwhile, police are set to issue a press statement today (Sunday) in Harare. - ZBC